3 Ways to Avoid Distractions

3 Ways to Avoid Distractions

Distractions can derail your productivity, but with a few simple strategies, you can stay focused and on track. First, make a list of tasks and post it somewhere visible to keep it top-of-mind. Second, stand up when someone comes into your office to keep visits brief. Lastly, limit outside attention grabbers like emails or phone calls by scheduling specific times to address them, ensuring you have uninterrupted time to tackle your main priorities.

We all do it...allow an email or phone call to throw us off course, only to snap out of it hours later, wondering what we did all day long. Here are 3 ways to prevent distractions from damaging your productivity:

1. Make and post a list: There's no point in making a list if it ends up under all of your unopened mail at the end of the day. Post it right where you will see it every time you look up, answer the phone or turn to your computer. By keeping it within your field of sight you can also keep it top-of-mind.

2. Stand up when someone comes into your office: This means that your visitor can't sit down and most people will get tired of standing and leave when their business with you is done. If someone is particularly long-winded despite standing, come around your desk and walk them out the door and down the hall. Then excuse yourself and head back to your office.

3. Limit outside attention grabbers: How often do you check email, Facebook, your cellphone? Do you take your own calls or leave that to a front-office person? Can potential suppliers get instant access to you when they walk in your office door? Every one of these is pulling you away from your main business. Schedule specific times to address these outside issues so that you have uninterrupted time to do your real job.