10 Tips For Making Your Time Count (Part 2)

10 Tips For Making Your Time Count (Part 2)

I'm positive that I could write a novel on the reasons why time management matters. Taming this beast can literally change your life! If you tuned in yester

I'm positive that I could write a novel on the reasons why time management matters. Taming this beast can literally change your life!

If you tuned in yesterday, you learned my top 5 tips on making your time count (10 Tips For Making Your Time Count (Part 1)). Here's the second half of the list:

* Nail your top 6. Do nothing on your to do list or respond to anything until you've managed those 6 most important tasks. If the day totally gets away from you, you've at least dealt with the most vital.
* Tame the email octopus. Vow to check your email 2 or 3 times a day, MAX, and only when you have time to stop and respond. Which brings us to the next point...
* Only touch it once. We've heard that one before, but it's so true. Sort the mail in front of the trash can, respond to an email, file it or delete it. Going back and forth is what kills you.
* Batch your tasks. Things improve greatly when you do similar things at the same time. ie - Take two hours to devote to business development vs. making one sales call, then stopping to answer a few emails, then making another sales call. You'll never be able to take advantage of getting into a groove wasting time re-ramping up.
* Track your time, and not in your head. You must write down how you spend your time for a minimum of one week. There are some great apps, or you can just use Excel or good old paper and pencil. Regardless, write it down. You need to have that macro perspective in order to course correct.