10 Tips For Making Your Time Count (Part 1)

10 Tips For Making Your Time Count (Part 1)

Time is something that we can't buy or get back when it's lost. It might be one of the most precious things that we possess. Time management is a continuous

Time is something that we can't buy or get back when it's lost. It might be one of the most precious things that we possess. Time management is a continuous battle for some people, but there are ways to overcome this.

Here are my 5 tips for making your time count. Stay tuned for the next 5 tomorrow!

* Determine what's important in the first place. Spending time with your kids? Husband? Work goals?
* Next - write it down. You won't hit a target you can't see. This goes for time management and life.
* Create a time estimate. If one of your goals is to make 50 sales calls per week, estimate how many hours that will take. Put a time estimate next to each goal so you can determine how to allocate best.
* Rank your goals by A's, B's and C's. A's would be your top priorities. Next to each of your goals (which now have time estimates), list a letter. That way if you get down to the wire, you know you're accomplishing the most important things before you do the less important stuff that only scored a C.
* Plan ahead. It is very, very difficult to manage your time once you're already in the vortex. Plan for the week ahead before you're sitting in your first Monday morning meeting and already feel behind the 8 ball.