Hi there!

Want To Be Our Next Entrepreneur Of The Week? - The Profit Goddess LogoThink you kind of rock? Then we're pretty sure others would too. We've resuscitated our "Entrepreneur of the Week" feature on our blog: TheProfitGoddess.com/Blog and we're looking for really cool entrepreneurs to share their tips and tricks!


If you want to be included as an Entrepreneur of the Week, just take 52 seconds and send us a photo, like the one below with your top 3 business/life tips and 150 words or less on why we should feature you, via email to: Info@ThePartyGoddess.com or via DM on Twitter or Instagram: @ThePartyGoddess OR nominate yourself via the Comments section below giving us the same info. (This is also the place to nominate a friend who's super deserving!)

Want To Be Our Next Entrepreneur of the Week? | The Profit Goddess

Next Steps:

Then, from the best ideas received we'll compile the entrepreneur 150 Top Tips For Business & Life, which we'll put together in a sweet little downloadable e-book all wrapped up in a bow!

Sound cool?

Share your knowledge with the world because you've worked HARD for this spot, suga!

xx Marley & The Party Goddess! Team

P.S. Net/net:

  • Send photo of you (1 MB is ideal)
  • Include top 3 business/life tips
  • Tell us in 150 words or less why we should feature you
  • Give us your Twitter/Instagram/Facebook names and website address so you can get followers. YAY and thanks!

Oh hey, and while you're here, if your wondering how to eliminate frustration and increase cash. Get a FREE copy of my must-have best tools for creative entrepreneurs and infopreneurs!

Orange clickable rectangle with text overlay - "I want it now!"

Sign up for FREE weekly small biz tips!

(All the tricks your competition DOESN'T want you to know about!)

Success! We're matched!